Wiki xliving

Uit xliving

Wiki for xliving.

Domain name.[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Wiki[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

$wgPageLanguageUseDB = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['user']['pagelang'] = true;

Pages multilingual on MediaWiki installation, e.g. Wikipedia.

Maybe using links

  • Change dafault page content and interface languages by modify following line in LocalSettings.php:
$wgLanguageCode = 'nl';

Created a new logo image file with width= 135px by height= 135px. Saved the image as Ecos.png. Uploaded the image in wiki with use of normal file uploading interface. This allows the logo to be replaced easily. Protect the image page.

Modify the $wgLogo line in LocalSettings.php. I could use:

$wgLogos = [ '1x' => "{$wgScriptPath}/images/7/77/Ecos.png" ];


$wgLogo = "{$wgScriptPath}/images/7/77/Ecos.png";

To see result:

  • list subpages
  • Change the default skin for the entire site

In the localsettings.php file search for $wgDefaultSkin and change it to ‘standard’. Save the localsettings.php file and reload your website. Try out the other skins and pick the one you like best.

In the following box you will find the code for the localsettings.php file.

## Default skin: you can change the default skin. Use the internal symbolic
## names, ie 'standard', 'nostalgia', 'cologneblue', 'monobook':
$wgDefaultSkin = 'monobook';


Renaming user see, add to LocalSettings.php:

wfLoadExtension( 'Renameuser' );

Using a MediaWiki installation to document internal systems where i’m currently at, and although we all have users it’s easy to forget to login before making edits. This results in a history full of IP addresses rather than names, which is a bit less useful. So, to prevent us from forgetting to login we decided to force ourselves to log in by disabling anonymous edits. You do that by adding the following to your LocalSettings.php.

$wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false;
